Version 1.1


Divi Footer Layout Pack

Elevate your website’s lasting impression with this Divi footer layout pack, designed to create stunning, engaging footers that leave a memorable impact on your visitors.

Footer #1

Elements: Text, Social Media, Menu, Blog Posts

Footer #2

Elements: Menu, Logo, Social Media, Copyrights.

Footer #3

Elements: Logo, Text, Contact Information, Newsletter, Copyrights, Social Media.

Footer #4

Elements: Text, Social Media, Contact Form, Copyrights, Menu.

Footer #5

Elements: Text, Contact Information, Map, Copyrights, Social Media.

Footer #6

Elements: Logo, Text, CTA, Features.

Footer #7

Elements: Logo, Text, CTA, Features.

Footer #8

Elements: Contact Information, Text, Gallery, Blog Posts, Newsletter, Copyrights, Menu, Social Media.

Footer #9

Elements: Contact Information, Logo, Text, Menu, Blog Posts, Social Media, Newsletter, Copyrights.

Footer #10

Elements: Contact Information, Text, Gallery, Blog Posts, Newsletter, Copyrights, Menu, Social Media.